Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Not so lucky with the zzz

Well last night we experimented with formula. Half formula and half milk. He drank 8oz. He had eaten an hour and half before this too. No luck was still up 4 times with him. Maybe he just needs to get used to the formula. I'm hoping that's it.

On the bright side. One of my friends from work should come back from Iraq this week. He will hopefully be home by Saturday at the latest. I can't wait to see him again. He's been greatly missed. We'll all be thankfully to have him back again even though he's not going to be returning to all of his previous positions, which makes me sad since he helps maintain my sanity while working with some individuals.

My FIL has also agreed to come to our house to watch the kids for us. I think it will be easier on everyone. We would have to haul everything to their house since they don't have any kid things and the kids would be on the third floor to sleep and he would be on the first which would be a problem with no monitors. It's only like 3 hours a day 2 days a week, but it's so so appreciated!

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