Everyone coloring while watching Sesame Street. We had to stagger high chairs so that everyone could see and no one could steal crayons from anyone else.

Sweet's imagination is totally blooming. Lately she has been treating stuffed animals and this large rather unattractive doll as her baby. She will feed, nap, bathe, and diaper her "baby". She will also pretend to diaper herself now, which is rather amusing. She is learning and advancing so much. She knows her ABC, can identify uppercase letters, we're working on lowercase, knows her colors, can count to 10 and actually understands the concept, we're working on 11-20 now. While I don't know that she'll ever pocess the athleticism that Sugar does, she is able to do more gross motor things now, like catch a ball.

We are working on starting to PT her. So far not so good. They've both Sweet and Sugar been interested in the potty for awhile and usually sit on it at least once a day, but aren't willing to make the transition. Girls are supposed to be easier right? If that's true of our family, it's not looking so good. We started with pull ups yesterday. She was ushered to the potty several times and did produce once. I called the pull ups her special panties, but in the end she calls them her princess diapers and thus uses them as a diaper. I think I'm going to just have to bite the bullet and put her in panties tomorrow and keep her on hard surfaces. I know it won't be fun, quick, or easy, but I don't think the pull ups are going to work with her.

Sugar is returning to himself again. He was really good while we were all sick even though he wasn't getting all of the attention that he wanted, but I think it caught up with him. He was rotten for a couple of days, but happily he has returned to being his normal sweet self.
He did however go on the potty a few times yesterday. I think he's a little jealous that his sister is PTing first. I just don't know if I can handle trying to do two at once. Especially two with totally different personalities.

He used to be the one that was always quick to answer questions about numbers or letters. Sweet has become more dominate lately. While I'm happy that she's advancing, I'm sad that he's not as forthcoming with it anymore. I'm trying to work with him independently at least a couple of times a week to hopefully get his confidence in it back.

Bam has really taken to books and loves story time. I'm thankful for that and am hoping that it will help his language skills, which aren't much to speak of. He's so curious and adventurous. We've had to put cabinet and drawer locks on every one in the house because he gets into everything. It's not that he's a bad kid, but he's rough (I don't think he realizes it), curious, and determined. He's a very strong willed child, but he's also a happy child.
He gets upset sometimes that he can not do the things that the other two do. He's very interested in the potty since the others have been using it more. Often times I have to sit him on the potty too. If he's in the bathroom when we are going, he sits on a potty and watches us.

He's been very clingy lately. We got to go out for V day on Saturday, thanks to my aunt offering to watch them. We didn't do anything spectacular, lunch (to a place we had a gift card) and then to a book store to people watch, look around, and have coffee. Nothing fancy, but totally us and very enjoyable. Anyway, he screamed bloody murder for quite awhile after we left. He wants to be held or playing near me quite a bit lately, which makes it rather difficult to function. If I don't hold him when he wants he lets the whole neighborhood know. So we're still working on the self control.

Bam also broke out with another mysterious skin aliment for two days. He would wake with it, I would give him a dose of benadryl and it would go away after about an hour and then he had it again the next day, but not as bad. Nothing has changed as far as food, lotions, soaps, etc. Who knows. I guess I should just be happy that it's gone.
1 comment:
Your kids are so adorable!! I'm glad I found your blog!
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