When she broke out in the rash, Bam decided he needed some more of the attention and got a fever. It lasted a couple of days and finally broke today.
Sugar couldn't be left out. Today I should have known that something was amiss when he didn't devour all of his breakfast (fruit and cereal). Add to that yesterday and today he kept saying I'm freezing. I had taken his temp earlier and it was normal so I figured that he was just playing. Not so much. As I was cleaning up from lunch I hear him wailing. I found him in my room covered in puke. Apparently mom's bed seemed like the optimal spot. So poor little one has a stomach bug. Hopefully this will pass quickly without spreading.
I miss how healthy the kids were last year. I think they each had one illness last winter. Now, it's once a month. I know it's normal and it's building their immune system, but come on. They eat great, sleep great, and play hard. Doesn't that count for something?
I finally got some pictures uploaded, it hadn't worked the last few times I had tried. So here are a bunch of random pictures. Enjoy.

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