Today I'm sure was just that, a glimpse. Unfortunately I had to work, but thankfully Chuck had the day of and took the kids outside to play for awhile after naps. He's such a good Daddy that he even thought to put their old jackets on encase someone wiped out. Lucas was the only one that got to wear his new spring jacket that Grandma A got him for Valentines (thanks Grandma!). Daddy was also good enough to take some pics and video so I didn't totally miss out. Here are some of my favorites.

This would be Sweet's excited face. She also has an excited sound that I can't do justice in trying to describe. It's kid of a mix between a laugh and a yell.

Sugar was so happy to be out and running at full speed. He ran for almost the entire 40 minutes that he was outside at full speed.

He was however a very good boy and always came running back when he was told that he was far enough down the driveway.

Bam joined the group, but stayed in his seat. He got to enjoy the change in scenery and the fresh air. It won't be long before he's crawling in the grass, that is if it ever dries out.
I hate going to work and missing out on things like this. There are times that I hate my job because of it and a thousand other reasons, but there's always a flip side. I'm glad that I can financially contribute to our family, I like working with the kids (most of the time), I'm glad that we're able to save for college for 3, sometimes a break (even if it's going to a job) makes me a better mommy, I love how they all want mommy when I come home, and I get to have all summer off with them. I can't wait till summer!
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