This was definitely and eventful weekend. It started with Chuck not being numb for some work that he had done Friday and him being sore all weekend. Of course the kids were ornery Friday afternoon and evening. Saturday afternoon the power went off. We hung around for a couple of hours and then they said it wouldn't be on till 8 so we took off to his parents. We loaded the kids up and got home around 7:45 to find out that the keys had been removed from my car and the power wasn't supposed to be on until after 10. We ended up having to break into the house which was quite the site since neither of us have had to break into a door and all of our windows are locked. It probably took us at least 20 minutes. After words we went in and lit candles since the house had only dropped 2 degrees. We brought the kids and and bundled them up for the night and I started to get them ready to go to bed and Chuck went out to move the car in, the power came back on. Sunday I went to a baby shower for a good friend of mine. I'm so happy for her and her husband. This is their first and she's been threw a lot with this little one, she's due next month and the morning sickness hasn't let up at all. She's not a girly girl and not into showers, but a good time was had by all.
As for the kids, Sweet's fourth tooth is coming in pretty good and I bet she'll get her next two pretty soon. Sugar's working on his second set of molars. Sweet and Sugar have learned a few new signs. We got a potty chair and we're trying to encourage their interest. Both have learned the sign for potty and are starting to use it when they have a messy diaper so there is hope. Bam is doing well sitting independently and he's been laying on his belly kicking and reaching so crawling may be in his near future.

A little Bam cuteness.

Sweet always happy to chill in a chair that's her size.

Sugar has decided that wrestling is his sport. He loves to take Sweet down and hold her there. She's not such a big fan of it.

Sugar has decided that Wheel of Fortune is the coolest show ever. He gets all excited and claps for the contestants.

Sweet and Sugar chilling together.

All 3 of my kiddos.
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