Friday, March 20, 2009

What a Day

So today my SIL called and said that she could come give Bam his first hair cut. So today was supposed to be about Bam getting his hair cut. Yes, he did get it cut and he looks like a totally different child. Yes, I do love it, but I am sad that there are no more curls. Thankfully, my SIL was wonderful enough to set some aside for me to save.

During his hair cut, the other kids (mine and my niece and nephew) were running around playing, when we heard a thud and Sugar started screaming. He had fell and hit the back of his head on the corner of a toy box. Let me say that in my former employed life, I loved blood and guts. That's what I worked with, it was exciting. When it's your child that's bloody and crying it's not fun. Thus today was more about Sugar's first trip to the ER to get staples. Poor little guy. Thankfully he is ok, sore, but ok. Chuck was recording Bam's hair cut when it happened and you can actually see the whole thing unfold on it. We have another home study visit on Monday so it should be interesting to show up with him with staples in his head.

So thank you to my SIL who not only cut Bam's hair today, but also stayed with Sweet and Bam while we went to the ER. We are very grateful.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Hint of Spring

I haven't posted in awhile and I haven't posted pictures in a long while. I finally uploaded some photos tonight. This post may end up being picture heavy. If not, I'll have some new pics for the next few posts.

The weather has been unbelievable lately. It has been absolutely gorgeous for the last few days. I'm very sad that it's going to get cold and yucky tonight. It's been very nice to get the kids out lately. We even went to the zoo this week. A lot of the animals still aren't out and the heat was still on in the buildings which made it unbearably hot, but it was a very nice day.

Sugar I believe is officially potty trained it's been awhile since we've had an accident. He even remembers to stop and go when we're at story time, the zoo, stores, or with family. He happens to love public bathrooms. Gross I know. We tend to visit lots of them and half the time you get him in there and on the potty and he looks around and says done. I know I should be thankful that he's not having accidents. He's definitely working on out growing his naps. The last two days have only been an hour. I love that we get more one on one time, but I will miss my free time to get dinner together, cleaning, laundry, etc. but all of that can wait.

Sweet is finally getting her last tooth in, yeah! This of course makes her whiny. At least she showed improvement today. She has also been very spoiled by the warm weather. She woke from her nap today asking to go play outside. As for potty training she's a done deal. However she is opposite (in just another way) of Sugar. She hates public bathrooms and refuses to go. She will hold it all day. She didn't go once during our trip to the zoo. Oh well, as long as she doesn't have accidents. It's amazing to think of how fast they are changing and becomeing more independent. She love to dress herself now, along with putting our clothes on too as in the picture.

This is definitely my favorite picture of the post. This was during his breather he was taking from his inconsolable crying. He's now wearing a shirt because he was supposed to be eating a rather messy lunch, but that never happened. Bam is getting his last three teeth. He's not happy about it either. He's been rather miseable lately. Lots and lots of crying inconsolably. Oh and did I mention that I've been able to open up some windows in the nice weather, which means the first thing the neighbors heard from us this year is Bam's inconsolable crying. Yeah, they have to be getting my mom of the year trophy ready. He's also become rather attached to this doll. It's a rather ugly doll. It was one of my dolls as a child. I didn't like dolls and it shows, but he loves it and plays with it quite a bit latey. He carries it over his shoulder with one arm like he's carrying lumber. It's rather funny to see him dote over it so much and then trow it up on his shoulder and walk around. He's also taken a fascination with birds. He runs to the nearest window when he hears them and stares in amazement.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Taking A Step Back And Running

So I haven't written much lately. Things have been kind of hectic lately. Sugar is definitely not taking to potty training like sweet did, which I expected, but it's still very frustrating none the less. Lots changed for us financially in 07 like change in jobs, going to part time, and adding three kids, so guess what we're being audited. Oh the joy. We've been taking the kids to a local story time lately. I had some CEU stuff lately ( I don't know that I'll ever go back to my previous occupation, but I'm afraid to let it go). I've also joined a group to help those in need in our community and I'm really looking forward to working with the group.

Sugar has definitely challenged my patience and understanding with potty training. I finally wet to completely ignoring accidents two days ago. I didn't even say anything to him about trying to go on the potty or asking him to tell me, etc. Guess what. He finally started telling me when he had to go yesterday. Today he told me quite a few times and the only accident we had was when he didn't get there fast enough, but it wasn't bad. We had gotten more potty books and some potty movies from the library last week. He loves them and while I was putting him down for his nap yesterday he said mommy proud (they talk about the kids being proud of themselves and the parents being proud of the kids for using the potty). I said yes mommy and daddy are very proud and happy when you use the potty. It's a very big boy thing to do. Since then it's suddenly gotten better. I guess he needed to hear that we were proud of him and not just the cheering and letting him know that we were happy that he used the potty. Tonight they had ice cream and pretzels for a snack before bed to celebrate him doing so well.

We also ran tonight. Sugar loves to run and Sweet has been running quite a bit lately too. Bam gets frustrated that he can't quite keep up yet. Sugar and I used to run quite a bit, but haven't lately. I usually tell Sugar and Sweet to run together. Tonight, we all ran. Bam usually wants to be carried since he can't keep up, but instead I got him to hold my hand, which made Sweet want to hold my other hand while we tried (failed, but that was ok) to keep up with Sugar. At one point it was Sugar pulling me, while I pulled Bam, who was pulling Sweet. We all had lots of laughs. We then danced in the kitchen to musical toys and pretended to be polar bears (Sugar's really into pretending to be animals). It was definately a good night.

I don't want you to think that we haven't had any fun lately, tonight just was very enjoyable for whatever reason. We had a really fun night last week too when we turned on one of the music channels and danced for most of the night. I guess these nights were more enjoyable because there was lots of interaction, everyone wanted to play, and there wasn't much fighting. Fighting and tantrums are inevitable with three little ones so close in age so when you don't have any pretty much all night it's an amazing thing.

Sweet had developed quite the attitude lately. I know that she's two, but she's always been my calm one. So when she throws herself on the floor or turns away and won't acknowledge me or just flat out refuses to do what's asked of her, yes it is very frustrating. Yes I know it could be worse. I should be thankful that all of her fits are incredibly quiet. I know she's testing boundaries and asserting herself, but I miss my easy going little girl.

Bam had his check up last week. Dr said that he's skinny and not to worry that he gets mad that I only make him one adult serving of meat and that he'll eat several (like 4) servings of the side when I don't have any more meat for him. Dr said to feed him all he wants. The problem is that we'll go broke doing this. Other than that he's doing well.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Getter Better

Well we decided to take the plunge with Sugar on Friday. Notice I haven't posted since before then. It was a rough couple of days. Yes I do believe he was ready. He was asking to use the potty more at home and while we were out, and asking about undies.

Friday was a really rough day. We had 9 accidents. A lot of success too, but still frustrating. Saturday things got a little better and we had 5 accidents. Sunday 3 accidents. Today 1 so far and I'm pretty confident that it will be the only one. He has only had them prior to nap time for the last couple of days. He's also woken up dry from every nap! Something that Sweet has also done. We're going longer times in between potty trips now, we're up to an hour, and he's still improving every day. Yeah!

I wasn't sure that we would make it through it right now. The first couple of days were really rough. I knew it would be more difficult than it was with Sweet, but wow. We were completely exhausted after the first day, but everyone is doing much better now.

Plus now that Sugar is using the potty and making as he calls it turtles and snakes on the potty, Sweet is starting to do better with going poo on the potty. She hasn't had an accident in probably a week.